It was a pretty depressing day today, which happened to be a Friday. It was raining so much that I thought I was seeing the beginning of a hurricane formation or some ****. So because of that [along with a combination of other things], I decided to stay at home, smoke a blunt, and relax.

I threw myself on the couch feeling good. Didn't give a **** about what was going on outside the house. Nothing like a nice smoke. So about half an hour later I felt like hooking up the home theatre system to my laptop to listen to some songs. I ended up fiddling with the volumes of each speaker in order to achieve some sort of 'realistic' atmosphere. By this I mean attempting to reproduce certain sounds through the speakers as if they were actually there. I think the simplest example I have would be playing a piano song and trying to manipulate the volume, dynamics, and reverb so it sounds as if the piano was in the room. It took a few minutes but, damn. I can't describe to you how ****ing beautiful it sounded. It was some peaceful **** I tell you.

After listening to music for a bit, I thought about doing something productive. The first thing that came to mind was to clean the house. Organize some ****. You know...keeping the house looking fresh. Now lemme tell you, cleaning is something I never ever do, but man - after smoking a blunt I felt like I was on a mission.

I swept the floors, reorganized **** lying around the house, and tried to make ****ty decorations/monuments/whatever you wanna call it look like they had some purpose in the house (aside from being decorations). I even stood in various spots around the house to see how the lighting affected the atmosphere of the area. I also realized that my chandeliers looked awful. Well, part of the reason why I thought it looked awful was because the chain on the chandelier was very long. It made it look way too low if you ask me. The other part of the reason was because two of the light bulbs were dead.

Actually, I think it was due to my parents not wanting to use all the light bulbs lit for fear of increasing their electricity consumption (it costs money bro). So... I decided that tomorrow I was going to go to the hardware store and pick up some CFLs to keep the house lit. I know they're less of an energy hog than incandescent light bulbs and much brighter so that's like killing two birds with one stone.

Based on the things I've mentioned before, I ended up having so much confidence cleaning and **** that I actually thought I could become some sort of famous interior decorator. I'm not even kidding. That's what I thought. I don't know how I came to that conclusion just based on organizing some useless **** but, that's what happened. I started thinking about life. I thought hard to understand what I truly wanted in the future.

It wasn't anything really - I just want to live a happy life. I realized my definition of a happy life was just spending time with my family and friends - all living in a comfortable but big-*** house (mansion would be a better word for this I guess). But you know what? That takes money. I hate to say it but, I need a good paying job in order for that to happen. What that good paying job is something I don't know yet, but I'll definitely figure it out later on in life. Some of you guys might not be in the mood to understand or sympathize with what I'm saying, but hey - this is some real deep thinking. At least it is to me.

Well having said that, the following is kind of a bit ironic. A few minutes into my cleaning, my parents came home. My mom was surprised in a happy way when she saw me cleaning the house. My mom then said to my dad "Hey look! Our son is doing a good job cleaning the house!" He immediately replies, "No wonder it was raining outside." When I heard that I wanted to say "*****, WHAT THE **** DID YOU SAY?!" But I was like **** it, it's a waste of time getting pissed over that - especially when I'm high. Family can piss you off at times but hey, everyone has their own reasons for behaving how they do at any of the points in time you highlight.

Okay, so it's like an hour or two since I finished smoking. I started sobering up. I always love the feeling of coming off the high. Well, only these kinds. Sometimes, I'd sober up and feel like I'm fading back into a ****ty illusion. I don't necessarily hate those feelings, but it has helped me notice the fine-line between what we call reality and what I find to be true reality. But yeah, today wasn't that kind of day. It was the kind sober feeling that makes you want to watch something entertaining or funny. Even playing games become very fun.

I usually play League of Legends when I'm at this stage because it feels good. I'm not stoned-as-**** high. I'm feeling like I can think logically and dispel any type of aggression in the game. It doesn't matter who tries to troll - it could be me, my team, or the enemy team. I always feel like I can make light of the mood for not only myself, but everyone in the game. It's like you end up being more competitive and the social aspect of the game has been amplified. You can have a real good time talking to people and laughing together at some of the silly or amazing moments in the game.

Those are the reasons why I love smoking marijuana. It absolutely takes away the dullness in my life and makes a lot of things more manageable and enjoyable. I'm pretty sure many of you who smoke can agree with me on this. I don't even know why it's illegal, really.

Quite the long post but if you guys managed to read all of it, cheers! This was just a slice of my life - specifically, what I do on a rainy Friday. Hope it wasn't too boring or ****ing stupid.

Thanks again and happy smoking!



I thought about showing you guys some of the **** I write down when I'm high. The following is what I wrote word-for-word with no editing. Some of the thoughts are incomplete so don't come telling me it doesn't make sense 'cause if you don't understand it, I probably don't understand what I wrote either!

Thought 1:

Kids should play downstairs because if there happens to be any accidents, parents can easily carry child UP the stairs. In retrospect, putting adults downstairs while children are upstairs will mean the children can be easily carried to the front entrance of the house in the event of an emergency. The problem with this is that adults are harder to carry up the stairs than children. Also, having children stay on the main floor will mean that they can easily access the main door - either inviting unwelcomed guests or leaving the household without realization and/or acknowledgement. Now, going back to the idea that kids shoud play downstairs, there is the possibility of a downside where an adult walks downstairs (i.e seeing how the kids are doing) and becomes involved in an accident

Thought 2:

There is a grammar rule where these certain type of words must have an 's' suffix at the end to dictate the notion of an action. Words like run become runs, move becomes moves, or sing becomes sings. Even the word 'become' becomes 'becomes'. Weird huh?

Thought 3:

Innovators are those who seek more than just profit. they seek creation. they seek the satisfaction of an idea that allows human civilization to move forward. Imitators are those who are within the brand. They survive by creating variations of the idea. Then there is the good hybrid in which I call the "Exovators". These guys are not as good as innovators, but not as bad as the imitators. In fact, they help advance human civilization by gathering up various potential ideas spawned by the imitators through their imitations.

I know, I have useless thoughts - but you gotta admit it's pretty interesting.