Yes, yes. I completely understand that Relic Shield is used 99% of the time by Melee Support (ex. Leona, Braum, even Thresh). But after that amazing little '.' it applies everything else.

Relic Shield
UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War
Charge rate increased to 60 seconds from 30 (remains 30 seconds for Targon's Brace and Face of the Mountain)
Execute now only works on melee basic attacks

Since the new 'updated' (Slightly displeased) Soraka being all offensive now after she lost her Passive, Q, W, E, and updated R. Granted R is much better now, I dislike the ability to heal myself without using a Heal. I'm having to try out different builds. Relic shield, is the best one I found, because I have to fight, smack Champs, etc. With Relic Shield, I can now kill minions and not worry about my ADC getting any money.

Since they get it BECAUSE of RS if I accidentally auto a Minion and kill it. My wave clear is now just a bit better.