Well there he is, the count of dunes or Imperator of the Sands, and with him this army of sand soldiers appearing out of nowhere.

Seeing him a few times now in some games, I remembered the movie "The 5th Element", where there is this scene in the ancient Eqyptian tomb at the beginning, when the Professor tries to decipher the symbols and constantly calls for more light:

"Aziz!" - "Aziz! Light!"

and the poor young fellow is soo tired of holding the mirror up for his boss...

And then the Mondoshawan appear and finally, there is ENOUGH light :)

So Azir sounds pretty close, I wonder how Riot was inspired about his name. Other than that, heĀ“s not the biggest lightbringer in LoL I assume. Or mabye he is really hard to master. People seem to struggle with his abilities quite much. I need to play him asap when he is free...

Also I think itĀ“s important to place the disc onto the turret base just when you need it and surprisingly as it will not last forever. People place it "just to be sure" somewhere, but then during the next minutes not even a minion comes close. I think you should use it offensivly whenever possible. Hey this is not a Command&Conquer-style tower building ;)

So welcome Azir, the Golden Bug of LoL :) - by the way, The Golden Bug is a decent song by Alan Parsons Project (1980)...