Hello All,

quite some time has passed since the last blog entries here. Well - no details, but it involved getting peaceful about the situation in the lower ELO: Trolls, haters, etc...

Now IĀ“m ready to again play ranked games and find myself in a lot of modifications. And the first essence of this season:

"you loose your matches by weak top or mid players."

Sadly enough I now try to main ADC :) - so most of the time my lane is fine, farming and trying to rack up damage, but top or mid comes into issues and they canĀ“t control their lane. ThatĀ“s when the other top or mid gets fed, and then you canĀ“t repair this anymore as ADC. You will get focused and taken out of the game.

At least thatĀ“s what I see during my last games. Let me know what you think.
