If you, like me, play mostly ranked games you can´t avoid the fact how fierce many people are. This especially comes true when you are losing a game.
They spam the chat with rude comments about how bad and "noob" (clearly overused word) their teammates is and often saying that they will report them. To what good?

I´d say, raging is the worst thing you can do in a game of LoL. First and foremost, you play worse when you´re angry and your teammates play worse when they get harassed in the chat.

The second bad thing is that you´re wasting time when standing under your turret, spamming the chat.

The third bad thing is that your teammates will get really angry on you and may even report you for Verbal abuse (which I always do when someone is harassing their teammates) which can give you an account suspension.

The absolute worst thing is that you´re not having fun anymore and you´re destroying the fun for your teammates too. And LoL is all about having fun isn´t it?

To all LoL-ragers out there: For your and your teammates own good, please stop raging!