I'm no expert at League of Legends.

And I'm not claiming to be. I'm not a pro player, I'm not this guru, I'm just not. But I have been playing League since a little before the total Ashe revamp (That's right, I remember the dark green outfit) and that's given me a little over 6 months of experience in ranked. Well, sorta. Let's call it 6 months with the ability to play ranked.
I've kind of given up on trying to play ranked, because no matter how hard I try I'm always derping around in bronze pretty much, and I know I'm better than that.
Then again, my Derpy Ranked Stats make me seem way worse than I am. Problem is, if I try to duoqueue with my bro it would throw us into worse teammates against better opponents, and that would be the opposite of what I want.
Quite honestly, I've had a s***ty experience with ranked, because this happens every gorram time. Anyone else reached this conclusion, or had something interesting happen? Post it Below!

Somethings People Do in Ranked that Piss Me Off to No End

That "Pick order" bulls***. I mean who the hell came up with that!? I'll give you a common scenario of what happens to me with my "teams"...

Summoner 1- Helpful, friendly person who listens to your ban suggestions and offers to go (adc, top, jungle)

Summoner 2- Quiet, reserved person who just wants to play ranked and will do the role they call.

Summoner 3- That person that only plays 1 role with 1 champ who has no business in ranked.

Summoner 4- That jacka** who takes mid because "pick order" even though you called it.

Summoner 5- ME! The person who calls mid so they don't get countered and ends up supporting...
And Again.
And Again.
Nami support, Lux support, Soraka support, Sona support. You name it, I've probably been forced to play it in ranked.

Who the hell came up with pick order? I personally think that mid should almost always be the last pick so that they don't get countered hard, yet people who follow "pick order" get so ******* countered it makes me laugh.

... Well, I'm done for now, I'm tired and I want to stop being so angry. Thanks for reading!
