Hey Everyone who stumbles into this tiny little blog!!

It's been a full year since this account has been created! Yay! I've decided to create a blog because I'm a little piece of **** who has nothing else to do with her time, hah.

So I'll be updating my profile as well with this, I'm Remilia Scarlet on the client, who is Plat III. I really love mid, and I absolutely admire Lilypichu! NO BIAS

I started with mobafire since I was level 10 on my first account, and it was so bad like I had no idea what to do and **** like wow who was this girl why is she so bad.
Wait she's a girl omg so good I love you!!!

This mobafire accoutn name is so baaaad I hate ittt if I could change it I would love to Oh my goodddd...

I barely know anything about most people here, the champions, aside from mid lane, as I literally do not have the patience to write out a full guide for my dearest one, Lux.

So I started League 4 years ago, almost after BETA. It was so cringe-y, lol! I was so bad, I thought Anivia was so hard and Garen was the most scariest thing ever!!

How do I even use this blog?
