Welcome everybody,

I don't know if anybody even remembers me but

I am back!

It is true, I am back now. What has kept me from blogging on Mobafire you might ask? Well, here is your answer : Real Life.
I was blogging in 2012. That year, I graduated from school, got accepted in a college/university right after graduation and didn't really have much time to do anything :/ I even stopped playing League for about a year and checked back in for a few months after that.

Anyways, let's not talk about the past, a lot has happened but I am glad to be back!
Let's start talking about what you can expect from me in 2015 though.

First of all, I would really like to get back into League of Legends!
I started playing League again when Nemesis Mode was launched, I hated it and wasn't sure if I still want to play the game. Then they relaunched URF and it was a lot of fun for a few games.(Basically until everybody just picked Nid, Shaco and Zed)
Now I got back into normal games though. Not much seems to have changed except that I had a lot more luck getting competent teammates that actually chatted about fun stuff while enjoying the game. I don't know if that was just luck or if the game is trying to tell me something but I will definitely try to improve my play and get back to where I left off.
I still main Support, nothing has changed there. I still love Leonas kit. (which you might not have known because I haven't been active on Mobafire when that happened) I also found a few secondary champions for when I do not want to play Leona or get a passive carry.

The second part - that I am actually really excited about - is that I want to get back to blogging here on Mobafire. You might have noticed by now that my English has improved A LOT. When I was reading my old blog entries from 2012, I actually cringed a little bit. How did you guys even put up with that?!
(Thanks for the patience though!) :)

Now, there is a lot to talk about and I will probably talk about all that the next few days. Some subjects will be offtopic, some will be about League of Legends and how I am trying to improve but let's not be too hasty, shall we?

The third and maybe even best thing about all this is that I am going to stream regularly (not only League of Legends though) from now on. Every Thursday and Saturday I will try to stream games for you to enjoy. If you got some free time on your hand, feel free to hop into the chat and have a fun time with the other awesome people that are there :)
(I did not say a specific time because I am working shifts, so time will change every week unfortunately)

If you read all this, YOU ARE AWESOME!!

Thank you guys for your time and I will see you in the next blog entry!
Have a nice day everybody!

TL;DR: Blue marks the main statements of this blog