Hey guys,
today I wanted to ask you something about 2 champions: Orianna and Graves.

I'll start with Orianna because I have already bought her.
Is Orianna a viable support? I've seen them a lot on EUW and they all dealt so much damage as support(starting with faerie charm and wards). Now I bought her because she was buffed and I needed a new mid champ and wanted to test a new support. Do you think she can be as good as a Soraka Support or Alistar?

Next will be Graves.
I always wanted to test him and he's really really fun. First game I had to go mid thanks to our *insert random insult here* botlane consisting of Morgana and Yi(both ended up feeding the enemy carry) and it worked pretty well.
The next few games I tried out bot lane. Sometimes I played with a premade support and was doing quite good(like 6/1) and with a random support I got a pretty bad score like 2/8 ... Is Graves really that reliant of his support? I always feel so squishy early game even when I stacked my passive up.
However, I tried laning with Blitzcrank, Nidalee and also Lux(who was the random support I talked about) and I felt best with Nidalee... You ask "why"? I'll tell you why. Graves and Nidalee both have a really strong burst damage. Also, when Nidalee heals you, you can really push your lane and that is especially brillant when the enemy team based or when you have the time to attack the turret. Just dash, get healed and the tower is destroyed in about 10sec, even early game.

I hope someone reads this and I appreciate every comment giving me answers on my questions :)
Thanks and sorry for the bad english.