Who am I?

Hi! I'm GeekNeff/Gunnysack Man. I get called Neff or Gunny a lot. No, I was not in the military, and no, I don't plan to be. I live with my parents in Everett Washington and I'm currently going to school at Everett Community College. I have not yet figured out which degree I am going to pursue, but I know that I want to. I love art, games and my family.

Life before Leagues

Two years ago I used to play a lot of Garry's Mod. 1500-hours-in-two-years a lot. Through my constant exposure to Steam I noticed DotA 2 on the front page one day. Only having heard the name on a basshunter song. So I researched it, figured out what it is and then tried it out. It sucked. I didn't know what in the world I was doing, the people were rude and not helpful at all. I had enough of DotA 2 after one game and never picked it up again.

About a month or so after finding DotA 2 I was talking with a friend of mine over a game of Warhammer 40k. He mentioned how this game called League of Legends was similar to DotA. After inquiring further I found out that it was a bit friendlier to learn than DotA 2, but still a challenge. Five games in, I thought I might like it and continued to learn and learn and leaaarn.

5 months later and 375 normal wins in and I was hooked.

After an awesome summer, a year of world experience out of High School, another awesome summer, the end of a bumpy relationship, and now attending a few classes at the community college, I have a lot of free time. So, I've decided to start streaming as much of Leagues as possible.

Why do I stream?

I want people to see how fun Leagues can be even when you die horribly. I want to record and share my experiences with climbing the ranked ladder for the first time. So check back often for updates on me, my stream, possible a guide or two and if you're really bored, a few life stories!