So I joined LoL in S2 I believe and have been having fun... even though I mostly play bot matches for some reasons. Even though my understanding is that LoL is a team game, a lot of the time I find myself questioning if it really is a "team game". I mean sure we have the pro teams and we have the teams trying to clime up the ladder but besides that... aren't following? Well a lot of the time my unranked games go like this, enter champion select, and right off the bat people start yelling at other for (A) the champion they picked or (B) not letting them be _______ lane. Enter game and people most of the time (A) won't listen to what other people say (B) yell at the team and say they all suck whenever they die, no matter whose fault it is (C) AFK for no reason or because the team is "A bunch of n0obs who can't play the game and should get off lol now" or (D) all of the above and more.

And here I am trying to figure out how to get better but it gets really hard when over half of the team won't co-op with each other and I end up getting blamed for no reason.

You get why I wonder about the whole "team" thing. I mean sure it's 2 teams of 5 or 3, but when people aren't working together and we can't get anything done, it makes me wonder why. Why am I playing this.

Of course the answer is because I want to get better at this and I want to have fun, but the amount of hatred that almost everyone I've been in a team with has is crazy. It's like you stabbed them and now they are taking there anger out on you though the internet. It got so bad I've almost sworn of PvP and just played bots witch has gotten really bloody boring.

I know I should suck it up but when it's happening every game it starts to get to you, and I know the other obvious choice is to form a team, but when I've seen this many toxic people in the community, I don't know where to start A.K.A. I'm afraid I'm going to end up on a team that instead of learning from and having fun with trying to make it big, I'm going to end up on a team that makes me so frustrated that I'm going to attempted to punch a hole in my wall.

So why this blog rant you may be asking, and truth being I don't know... maybe I just needed to get this off my chest and a blog seemed like the best place. Maybe I'm asking for help or ideas to get by this (I know about the muting people option but in team games I really don't like doing that in case they say something useful). Maybe it's me looking for a team that I can learn/grow/get better at the game with. Or maybe I'm trying to get a message across I... I really don't know.

Maybe one day I'll look back at this blog post and see that it's the start of something for me. Only time can tell I guess

But for now I guess I should give it a rest.

Thanks for reading