I've probably had the worst weekend in LoL since I started 2 years ago. I have no idea why on weekends everyone is plain rude starting from hero picks and then it culminates into 2 people afking, because they thought our mid was feeding - he had 4 deaths and the rest of us had 3 excluding top lane. They hated mid from the start, because he instalocked. That means I got 3 idiots in my team.
Is it ok to complain about having 2 afk ******s in my team? Is it ever justified to flame teammates, even if they go afk at lvl 5 in a ranked match, because the enemy jungler ganked before our jungler did and flame the rest of the 15 minutes until we are forced to surrender? Probably not and that makes 4 ******s in my team the game those two people went afk.

That's my weekend. Friday I got Ryze who went afk after the enemy jungler ganked him at lvl5. Afterwards he laughed at us in base saying we won't win and that he won't play with people that aren't on his skill level. (So you wanna go back to bronze, biatch?)
Then I got all sorts of afkers and flamers, occasionally feeders, but the difference in having an afker and a casual feeder is that they probably don't feed intentionally - they can try to play better and probably want to win just as much as everyone else, but afker just wants to lose intentionally. Most people go afk for stupid reasons, like that Ryze or Vi and Shen in my last game.
I have to admit that when people want to lose and go afk and dare to justify going afk by saying "I don't want to play with people that aren't on my skill level/feeders" I start flaming them. It starts casually trying to beg them to play with us, but then they go full frontal on my saying I'm pathetic, because I actually care about whether I have fun playing LoL or not. So is it ok for me to call them idiots for losing intentionally, because they have bad issues with thinking logically and being a teamplayer? I have NEVER gone AFK in any game, not even once - it's just against my principles. I'll endure the 20 mins of hell with a bad player, but I can't tolerate leavers who dare to write from base and say I have a miserable life coming for me, because I'm optimistic and believe people are not intentionally bad? I mean I play bad sometimes if I'm out of my comfort zone, but I try everytime, because nobody wants to play to lose.

What's even sadder about this that most of the LoL community is rotten like this and rotten players make us friendly players rot with them. I never used to talk badly, but I can't stop calling people ******s if they do what I described above: are plain viscious ******s whose sole purpose in LoL is to destroy games for people who want to enjoy playing casually.
I'm starting to think of taking a break solely because of how bad community has gone. I don't know about other servers, but EU West is worse than East ever was. I'd like to play LoL or Dota 2, but Dota 2 noob games are even worse than LoL - I have played like 10 pvp games and not a single one was 5v5. Best one was 1v2, because everyone else left. (Yes I know I'm permitted to leave if I want at that point, but it's against my principles.)

Weekends are the worst, I think. I have this idea that if I play in the morning my time (GMT+2) most of the kiddies (=angry teenage ragers) are at school so most of the threat of ruining games is eliminated. (Exluding the ones who don't reside in middle Europe, but since it's EU west I assume 90% of the players live in Europe.)
So this is why I play Ranked only in the mornings, to have games without leavers or ragers or at least have fewer of them. Every other day of the week this works, but on Friday it's weekend and I get that Ryze on my team 10 AM in the morning my time. Yays. Then afterwards in my normal games I keep getting more and more players like him. Makes me think weekend is unplayable, because 70% on the games I played were ruined by people like this.

I know I'm gonna get comments like "QQ more" and stuff, but that only proves my point: most of the community (on my server especially) is so badly rotten it's not totally far fetched to think soon enough it'll be like Dota 2 noob games, not a single game being proper 5v5 where everyone is having fun. I'd like to see at least one game where not a single person wrote "report him" in All chat. Too much to ask?