I saw the MFC Cups and I wanted to enter them, but i currently do not own a team.
I was thinking if anybody that is in the same situation as I am would want to join and enter the event.
I play on the EUW, so it's required that whoever wants to join me has to belong to the EUW server.
However, if any NA players are also looking for a team, you can do it here, and find other NA players to enter the cup!

Currently Silver 1, Been gold 5 this season, but i demoted myself because my mmr was going down after some losses in a row, so I'm now silver 1 , climbing my MMR.
My main roles are Mid [Yasuo, Ahri, Viktor, can also play other champs] and Adc [Jinx, Kalista, Tristana, Ezreal]. If needed i can also Top [Irelia] or Support [Thresh, Janna, Bard (Yes bard)].
Contact me through MOBAFire or through League of Legends [IGN : IaMachi] or comment the reddit link below.
GL on the Fields of Justice!

Reddit link : http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/37y1r9/mobafire_community_cup/