Mid: Ahri, Kassadin, Gragas, Nidalee.
Marksman: Jinx, Svir, Caitlynn.
Jungle: Lee sin, Rammus. Vi.
Top Lane: Renekton, Jax.
Support: Sona, Thresh, lulu.

Mid lane:
Ahri - Even tho Ahri got nerfed she can still instagib people with DFG.
Kassadin - Nerfed his late game, but still does enough damage to nuke down or forcing the enemy carry to fall back.
Gragas - His ultimate can cause a massive damage towards the enemy carries, besides the damage you can either safe your team or taking down people when they are off position.
Nidalee - People who know how to play nidalee at the laning phase will probally dominate late game. Forcing people to heal up after hitting a few speers and it's even possible to damage 80% of the enemy carries.

Jinx - I don't even know how to explain this. Great 1 v 1 duelist, 700 Range + AOE crit, Ultimate is just fking retarted.
Sivir - I hate her shield, Her ultimate is very useful for the team. Laning fase is strong against many markmans.
Caitlynn - All time lane winner.


Lee sin - Since our current meta is all about the early game. Lee sin deserves a spot in the god tier list. However he fall of late game especially when you don't know how to ward kick or jump.
Rammus - Has a little knock up and can taunt you for 3 seconds who can survive that? ( unless you have cleanse or QSS )
Vi - Unstopable ultimate, that's is wonderful when you don't have any escape abilities.

Top lane:

Renekton - Renekton is a overal great pick for in top lane. He's tanky, Has alot of damage early/mid game. The only counter to Renekton is yourself it depens on how you play it or against.
Jax - Trinity force buff fking GG.... Late game.


Thresh - Can make plays for the adc and does a decent damage as support early lvl.
Sona - Sustain, AOE ulti and extra damage. Still a solid pick.
Lulu - I just like lulu THATS WHY!.

This was my list of the gods in soloQ atm. I'm currently Platinum V and trying to work my *** towards diamond :D.