Status: Bronze V - Position 10 / 55

Ban & Pick
I got slot 3. It was a quiet start in the chat. Since Nautilus was banned already, I voted for support and chose Lulu. After my vote some others voted for their lanes.
My first sorrows should have shown up, when our slot 5 realized he will be jungle. He picked Amumu but doesent seem happy about it.
On top we had a Gnar, on mid Katarina and my adc was a Miss Fortune.
Our opponent chose Darius on top, Cho'Gath in jungle, Vladimir on mid, Jinx as adc bot and Karma as support.

Early Game
My adc was over confident and died right after the first minion wave. He seemed to rely just on hope, never looking at his HP and got killed again. I decided to max my E to protect him better, but it didn't help, since he always seemed to think, he was so strong nothing could happen. Additionaly Jinx and Karma had some good pokes and my dodging was bad.
Other lanes also were on pressure and the opponent had enought presence to get one drake after another.

Rest of the game
Thanks to my fellow adc, the opponen adc really got fed and in teamfights we could not stand against him. I managed to create some "autopush" Waves, but the enemy had enough capacity and awareness to catch them right before they reached a tower. Also some combos with Amumu were quite nice. In the end there was nothing we could do about the result but to surrender.

- Support in Solo Queue Bronze is a bad job

KDA: 4/7/11 (29/43/38) (13%,16%,28%)
Status: Bronze V - Position 13(+3) / 40 (-15)LP