Current Rank Score: 424
I'm second pick; they ban first.

Tyrndamere, Amumu, Rammus, Shaco, Singed, Shen

Picks go:

Morgana, Trundle (me)
Kayle, Garen
Mordekaiser, Corki
Fiddlesticks, Katarina

After some discussion, and when I mentioned I'd be top they tell me I have to jungle.

Game cancelled because someone dodged.

Champion Selection and Banning

I'm now third pick, we banned first.
Shen, Tryndamere, Shaco, Rammus, Kassadin, Singed

Picks, we're first
Nautilus, Teemo (eff Teemo)
Morgana, Trundle
Varus, Warwick
Amumu, Ezreal

Amumu late says let me jungle; I say ok with 9 seconds left in queue. I change my summoner spells to Flash/Teleport to run solo top. My masteries are a bit awkward at 17/4/9. It's a massive sustain build. My bite turns wicked, but not finishing blow wicked. I tend to get lots of assists.

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Missed it because my kids were talking.

Game Start and talk (first posting!)

We had it a bit shaky, but I did end up running top vs. Nautilus. My masteries + rune build enabled me to have far more sustain than I think he counted on. My first item is a Vampiric Sceptre.

There were some dumb moments where I put my face in the bush and fell for a bait, but overall I think I played reasonably well. It always helps having an Amumu; he was beating me to all the blues. I was irritated at first due to my Pillar, but his R is just as valuable, if not a lot more so.

We ended up winning with a 57/46/61 vs 45/57/78 record. I went 14/9/13 in the game. Ezreal was our real carry with 19/8/16.

My final build ended up going like this, Vampiric Sceptre, Mercury Treads, Phage, Zeal, Tiamat (mana + bite), Trinity Force, Warmogs Armor, Bloodthirster, Zeal. My last buy would have been the Phantom Dancer. I destroyed 2 Turrets and 2 Inhibitors, with 130 minions slain and 46 neutral mobs for 176 CS. In a 49 minute game. I need to work on my CS, a LOT.


Trundle and Amumu have a nice synergy. Nautilus doesn't like being separated from his prey via the Pillar.

+12 to rank