Current Score: 424
I'm captain, this doesn't bode well.

Champion Select and Banning

I ban first
Kassadin, Udyr, Gangplank, Rammus, Tryndamere, Vayne

I chose Trundle, again. I called Top when doing so.

Shyvana, Mordekaiser
Katarina, Autopick Yi, it looks like
Shaco, Brand
My team doesn't seem to be here as auto-picking seems to be the way it's going now. Mundo and Morgana are picked. Maybe not, I think they had time left
Kog Maw

I'm not a fan of this and hope the autopick Yi means he's dodging. No dice, game is loading.

Loading screen

Shaco is their jungler. Are any of you surprised? Not much else to point out. They have 3 ignites.

Game Time

This jungle Mundo is awful. Reminder to never be on an AP Yi team again. This was a debacle; Mordekaiser had me as Trundle pretty well. I was holding nicely, but saw no jungle for 12 minutes and died once. He eventually showed up and I got an assist.

AP Yi is a joke. Morgana was an autopick that had no idea what she was doing. A massive case of the ****-its came out.

Post Game

I went 1/6/5; compare that to the rest of my team

Master Yi - 6/10/3
Katerina - 5/10/4
Morgana - 2/11/9
Dr. Mundo - 2/7/9

+2 on ignore. andrew741 (Yi) and lovulol (Mundo)... what the hell, Morgana too: Ace8293

Final 16/44/30 to 44/16/51.

Just terribad

-13 points. See, that's fair. Back down to 411.