Current rank: 419
Game 9

I'm Malphite again. Go to what you know, I guess.

We have a heavy melee team. Nocturne (Jungle), me, Yi, Varus, Katerina. We'll see, seems like it should work.

Oh well, chalk another up to the loss column.
Malphite - 3/5/12 (me, 111 CS)
Varus - 4/6/13
Nocturne - 10/7/12
Katarina - 1/10/8 (problem here?) (61 cs)
Master Yi - 10/8/4

So fun getting people like Katarina and rage machiens like kingminos (Varus). It's always everyone else's fault. My CS was where it was because Kat was so bad and someone had to take over and begin to gear up.


Current rank: 407

Game 10 - I'm Amumu

Awful. We had me, Pantheon, Varus, Twitch, Garen vs. Tryndamere, Kog Maw, Yi, Soraka, Heimerdinger.

They bullied us all over. Varus was mid and needed babysitting on Heimer, so I couldnt' get to the sides because you lose mid and you lose... So they got pissy. On and on.

/shrug. I need to work on my AD game so I can take control of the game itself instead of being a tank and having to rely on everyone else to be careful.,..

Current rank: 395
Game 10 (loss)

I can't even talk about this one. I mean. Wow.

Current rank: 383
Game 11 (loss)

Okay, blogging every game has gotten cumbersome, and rather boring. This is probably the end of this escapade.