I just had now the best experience in my whole life as a gamer.

So, I was asking my best friend if we should try another ranked game. He said yes, so we went to Duo Queue. We were last picks, and the only positions left were support and jungle.

So I asked him that the decision is up to him and he picked support. By the way, he choosed Leona. Well, all my Junglers (Amumu, Shen, Malphite) were either banned or already choosen, so what do I pick?

I pick Shaco, even though I haven't played him a year long. Long story short, I couldn't gank because the enemies played the early levels very safe, so therefore I tried my best. But in the very end, we won because of an amazing Cho'Gath.

So thats what you consider a perfect LoL Day? Hell no! A few minutes later I decided to watch GuardsmanBobs stream and also joined his channel. To be honest, I like Bob. He explains everything when someone asks him, plays nice music and is a nice person.

So, I saw that Bob is going to do some normal games with his viewers. I signed up and got choosen to play a game with him! It was freaking awesome to play with him, even though he is just a normal person.

The game itself went not that good in the early levels. I picked support and their enemy botlane was pretty destroying us. But the good thing was, that we got a feed Bob, who was playing as Brand.

We won that game and now I feel way to happy to be sad in the next few days. Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave a comment or whatsoever :)