Sorry this may be so unorganized, I'll do my best to organize part 2 if I ever get to it.

Well I been testing out Shaco as a top laner with some 1 v 1 with my friends. The results are predictable. He isn't able to uphold by himself in lane against various amount of champions that originally top lane. Shaco gets out harassed and if you're going try to do something about it you'll end up dying in 1 v 1. I'm planning to start testing his abilities in some normal games when I get the chance to as it has more factors into play aka Jungler.

The things I want to watch is not get carried away with harassing, but more focus on saving up for items. His skill set can't harass against armor hungry champions up at top without of course some help from his jungler. Meaning your jungler would have to give you many frequent ganks for Shaco to have at least some decent damage early game.

Shaco has mana problems if you're planning to farm a lot with your E, which you might have to seeing as if you get even closed to the creeps the enemy usually end up whacking you away. They know you can't do much back to them until maybe around 6 or so. Even then I have to estimate if I'm able to kill them alone or call in for backup.

Of course his jungler is better compared to his top lane, but if you're able to get that full creep lane farm you're able to farm up quicker compared to a jungler is what I hope. I would like to say his skill set for setting up for your jungler to come in seems great.

You'll either get the kills or end up making them waste their summoners is what I'm imagining at the moment. A slow, a mini fear, as well as a 100% crit mini flash doesn't sound too shabby. When you activate Q they aren't sure whether to back out or stay to fight. This would be up to their decision. If they were to back up that means free farm for you or maybe queue your jungler to go after them to see if you guys can knack a kill. If they were to stay they would think you're foolish for 1 v 1ing them seeing as you're squishy in their they end up sticking around. Hopefully you engage them if you're jungler is ready.

I end up picking up Wriggles for many reasons as Shaco top lane then ninja tabi. One is that most of the time it's an AD top laner that is melee. Two Wriggles give you free wards as well as great sustaining stats. Three you're able to steal their jungle or steal a blue if your mid is a non mana user. These two items gives you a whooping 100-120 armor including armor seals. The decision next is whether or not get a IE first or grab a Trinity. Both are great items, but I find Trinity for great sustain compared to IE. And sustain is what I'd go with. I died many times because I had low amount of health compared to the enemy champion.


Item Build:
-Cloth armor 5 Hp pots
-Ninja Tabi

Do leave some comments so I can better this blog up. Thanks :]