Don't feed Katarina. Nuff said.

I did not got a picture of the scorescreen or have LoLReplay open. Here is a picture of my first game stats.

Result: Win, 1259 -> 1297


Top: Wukong v. Xin Zhao
Mid: Morgana v. Katarina
Jungle: Amumu v. Lee Sin
ADC: Corki v. Sivir
Support: Soraka v. Taric

Essentially, Top and Bot on my team dominated lane. I had a few nice ganks after level 6 with ult and a few burned flashes prior to level 6. However, the only reason that the enemy team had an chance was Katarina. She would poke down Morgana, force her to go back, and then wander bot and get a double kill (despite constant pinging to retreat...)

However, when team fights arose. I was able to bandage toss into a group and Ult onto Kat which enabled our team to kill her and win the teamfight.

This game was pretty one-sided but could have been easily lost without proper targeting in team fights.

My thoughts:
I thought I played pretty well, I helped to set up some ganks and coordinate dragon and buff timers. However, I had a quick question about rebuying oracles and when to pick Amumu.

Question 1: We would win the teamfights the majority of the time. However, many times I would die after ulting which caused me to lose oracles. Do you think I should have kept rebuying oracles or not? (obviously this is very specific but any guidance or general guidelines would be appreciated).

Question 2: I picked Amumu since he was not banned and our mid had already picked Morgana which would work well with Amumu. Any suggestions of champions that have synergy with Amumu (such as Zyra and her AoE ult) or champions that counter him (such as Irelia with her resistance to Amumu's ult.