So lately I've been playing a lot of ranked again (around 1700) well
to start with I don't play [[Graves myself but what I've witnessed is:

1. Graves is in my team sucks balls.
2. Graves is in their team when I am not botlane, not AD nor support. Gets fed like hell.
3. Graves is in their team when I am the support, I leave for 10 seconds to ward the lane my AD carry dies. --> gets fed
4. Graves is in my team while I play da blitz - he gets fed. --> picks up all the kills
5. Graves is in their team I play AD -> I have the ****piest support I've had in a long while. --> My support proceeds to die 4-6 times.
6. Graves is in their team I play AD and have a decent support --> I'll get fed

Well lately I've kinda dropped AD even tho I used to main it. I still play trist from time to time but I just hate the fact that most people are bad at supporting.

Anyway so lately I came to the weird thing to just ban graves if I am FP I dunno why but it's kind of a curse.
Any1 else has this?