Hey guys. You know what time it is? Rant time! Ready? Okay.

As you all know, I'm mostly known here because I make graphics. I make guide graphics and signatures for other people to use. Let me get this strait for those of you that don't understand how those graphics should be used.

1. ANY AND ALL GRAPHICS I MAKE FOR SOME ONE ELSE (a customer) are never to be used by anyone else. The only way you can possibly use these items are if you ask the person I have made those for.

2. ANY GRAPHICS I MAKE FOR MY GUIDES are NEVER to be used by anyone else. P E R I O D. Oh, you like my pretty little banners? Too bad! You cant have them! I have a specific place for graphics I make for people, free to use. USE THESE.

3. IF YOU WISH TO HAVE PRETTY GRAPHICS FOR YOUR GUIDE, dont take mine. Dont take anyone else's. Just ASK. Its so simple. All you need to do is get over to the art forum and freaking ask.

If you wish to have something similar to my style go here.

Learn to be original. Learn to make your own. Learn to keep your sticky fingers to yourself.

/end rant.

Thank you for reading.