Well, there are many issues concerning how to play an easy game and win it even though you're up against pro gamers. Believe me, we have played and won against many of them but not all as other pro gamers really are good. But the point on this one is, you can still beat them. How? Follow this steps and make sure to do it.

- Prepare your Rune page and masteries well in advance.
- Choose your champ wisely when you are in a champion selection screen.
- Be flexible. If you're a hitter type player, you should also know when to tank if your
team picked most of the squishy champs. Although there are chances of winning without the
use of a tank but it's better to be sure than lose an embarrassing game
- Learn how to adjust with your team, and tell them in advance what your role is
- While in game, don't chat with your enemy and even make a fight with it. Chances are, you
might get killed, unable to respond to your teams SOS, you might lose your focus and your
enemy your chatting aren't (it depends on each players concentration.) It's better to make
friends than enemies in real life. =)
- Each team should have a leader and you have to follow and trust his judgment. That also
goes for the leader to trust his team mates. =)
- Don't argue with your team mates nor talk with them harshly, as morale is a great weapon
against to win a game or a real war. Act like a real leader, not a dictator type one.
Remember that not all people can handle harsh words so be sensitive. If you can't control
your words better not play or just keep your mouth shut.
- Learn how to last hit minions.
- Play safe so that your enemy won't get fed. Don't get provoked by your enemy so that you
wouldn't make a mistake and fall under their trap.
- Harass safely don't let them farm as many minions as they can.
- Build a good item set. You can visit mobafire =) for guides for you to learn what build
suites your champion.
- Always buy wards and place them on sites where you will see them from entering both of
your sides.
- Do not overextend that much in your lane. You might get ganked unless you have wards to
warn you from their approaching jungler/ganker
- Don't be greedy in making tower dives unless your 100% sure you'll get the kill and survive
- Type very fast. Use short-cuts as much as possible.
- Have a good map awareness. Look at your map There's no harm in doing it. =)
- Respond as quickly as possible if your team mate/jungler requires immediate attention or if
you feel your jungler/team mate will get ganked because you noticed you lane enemies are
- Defense is the best offense when you think you're in a bad situation. Use this strategy to
turn the tide of battle.
- When doing Baron. Ward it first then ward the area around it (e.g bushes around their red
buff) and monitor their movement in lane as any sudden change and approach towards your
location in Baron Nashor means they placed a ward in there but always assume that they did.
- Always have someone to buy Oracle's Elixir to clear enemy wards and detect stealth
- In team clashes, always focus on their squishies and killers first to avoid headaches. =)
And just in case they have items like Zhonya's Hourglass which lasts for 2 seconds, try
to focus on the other squishy then after 2 seconds go back to it for a kill.
- Learn how to divert enemy attention.
- If you know that you can't win team clashes, try to divert enemy attention by using
Backdoor tactics to disperse their team.
- Always try to end the game as soon as possible as there are many champions which are very
strong late game. Try to avoid it as much as possible.
- When the game ends. Always type "Nice Game mate :) ; good game/gg" and only this one to
show sportsmanship. Any negative comments you gave after the game like "weak, noob, etc.."
only shows how bad your personality is and will reflect your country/family's status. Don't
forget that. It's just a game. Don't make fights out of it. =)

Okay, that's all I can say. Maybe I have forgotten something but please do try to add some things needed that you think I didn't placed in there. Thank you for reading this and have a blessed day and take care. =)