Hi all,

this is my first blog and I want to talk about a subject one can't know enough about it. It's about gaining ELO. And this is NOT gonna be a discussion about ELO-hell and it's existance.

I mainly want to share my expericence I gained from playing ranked games with ups and long downs. I went up to 1456 and then down to 800. Atm I am back at 1260 and still climbing up.

Here we go:

As most of u know u get a hugh elo push the more games you win out of your first 10 games in ranked mod. I got a bit luck and some nice skill on WW (toplane only) and ended with 9/1 wins in my first games and went up to about 1450 elo which was kinda nice for me since I played LoL for half a year and had about 250 normal wins.

At that point I needed skill to stay on that lvl. Unfortunately I didnt had it. That's why I dropped over 600 elo down to ~ 800 elo. At that time I was angry cause I was sure that I didn't belong to that low elo. That was my big problem number 1. I thought that I am doing well all the time while my team is doing mistakes after mistakes and ruining the game for me.

Of course I wasn't right. Most of the time I did mistake after mistake while my team was trying to win the game I was about to ruin. And some games we were failing all together

So the conclusion out of this is: if u are on low elo it is cause you belong there!!!!! Just face it, it is realy simple like this.
The earlier you get it that you have to improve something on your gameplay the sooner you will climb up in the elo ladder.

Comming then to the things I learned while I tried climbing:

- play only champs you know and own with
don't try something in ranked games and make safe picks.

- always play what is needed
even if u are last pick which means that you have to support most of the time. Again: face it in 95% the last pick has to play the support role if u dont want to lose the game in champ select. A good support will win the lane for the ad carry. Eg I played Sona, Nautilus and Leona as support

- try to counterpick your enemy
for that there are so many counter-pick lists in the www. Just google it up. Even if I think couterpicking is not that important. On low elo the own skill and champion knowledge counts more that counterpicking with a champ u are not familiar with. So mainly pick a champ you can play good most of the times and if its a counter to your enemy laner it's even better.

-after each patch there are champions who are OP
with OP = overpowered I don't mean that they deal more dmg then others in this case. In this case I mean champs who fit in many team combos. get to know these champs and learn to play them. just a short list of champs I owned the enemy team with in my last games: ahri, vayne, corki, nautilus, sona, leona.

Playing Ahri: farm mid lane and try to gank top or bot after u pushed lane. Pushing lane is easy after having 2 dorans rings. I'd like to build Deathfire Grasp on her. I tried this after I watched Oce's stream and saw that he is building it most of the time too. Just can say like this: it works for me

Playing Vayne: Vayne is the All-Time Hypercarry in Lategame. She will get strong no matter what if she can farm up. Try to get a good ali or a good blitz as support and stun the enemy ad into the wall all the time

Playing Corki: he is a safe pick on bot lane. He does nice early game burst and thx to his "W" he can escape dangerous situations.

Playing Nautilus: after my opinion he is an awesome support. he is tanky and has tons of CC. Thats why my ad carry left the bot lane with 4/0/0 or even better after we destroyed the tower.

Playing Sona: play her full ap, zone the enemy everytime you can and Q + power chord all the time. Not to mention that a Flash+Ult combo is nice too.

Playing Leona: its like playing Nautilus

Playing Yorick: Yorick is a very safe pick for top lane cause of his healing and dmg reducing potential

- try to get a CC team
I think the more cc a team has the higher is the chance to win the game even with a wrong focus from time to time. This is my personal golden rule. I'd like to have at least one CC on each lane.

- find underplayed champs
Short story: I just got lvl 30 with my smurf account and decided to play ranked games with this account too. I just payed about 200 games on this acc which means I dont have much champs or runes. BUT: I have Swain!! To be honest I dont have much practice on him so I have to admit that I broke one of my rules above. And it could have ended worse....

Well I found out that many players starting with ranked games can't handle Swain in mid. So far I had to lane vs Ryze, Diana, Ahri and a weired AD Yi in mid.

Another underplayed champ is Viktor and I guess you can think of many more.

- climbing will take some time
This is maybe the most important thing. Dont expect too much. Even if you do well there might be the chance that you lose the game cause you team is worse. And try to make a break after 2 losses in a row. Take some time to calm down, grab something to eat and to drink and do something completely different. And try it again after this break.

- never flame or say you go afk
Flamer and Quitter never win. Dont be as stupid as the others. Be positive!!! Always!!!! Even if one lane is failing hard. Dont flame but try to help the lane to get back into the game

That's it. I think I shared all my experience I learned from climbing and falling in the ELO ladder. I hope this post will help some of you.

Feel free to comment or send me a message with your thoughts.

Best regards,