Dr. Mundo: Well, it's over, he's gone.

Shaco: Yes, we shall, miss him.

Narrator: As time went by (2 weeks) Mintleaves was never heard from again. Though it is rumored that his Ghost wanders these halls.

Dr. Mundo: Hey, he brought back Urgot. Im sure he can bring him back.

Shaco: If you say so.

Narrator: As Shaco and Mundo walk to the best and worst scientest ever to walk the Summoners' Rift, they brought along the body of their most dear friend.

The doors to Viktor's castle opens, with a loud moan, and a thundering crash. against the walls.

Vladimir: Me and my master are vlad to see you, he vants to see you in his chambers.

Dr. Mundo: We've brought the body, and the money.

Mundo and Shaco open the doors to Viktor's chambers.

Viktor: Welcome, I'm so glad you're here. Did you bring my money?

Dr. Mundo: We did and we brought him.

Viktor: Good, good!

Mundo puts the body onto the table and straps it in.

Viktor: Urgot! Pull the switch!!

Urgot: Yes master.

Narrator: When Urgot pulls the switch thousands of bolts of electricity surge through Mintleaves body. When his eyes open he no longer remembers where he is.

Mintleaves: Where, where am I? Who am I?

Dr. Mundo: We are Mundo, and Shaco, you are Mi-

Viktor cuts him off.

Viktor: You are Mint 2.0. One of my greatest creations, and you will make amany great things.

Mint 2.0: Yes, I shall.

To Be Continued...