Narrator: As our trio leaves Viktor's castle, they stop at an inn. When they walk up to the doorstep, they hear an orchrestra of guns being pulled.

Graves: Only one of us is walking out of this town 'live.

Caitlyn: Hmm, I forgot the fuzzy cuffs at home, so I guess we gunna have a shootout.

Tristana: Haha! My cannon beats guns any day!

Mafia Twitch: Hahahaha, I will beat you all (he goes invisible) you can't shoot what you can't see, hahahaha!

Gangplank: Arg! You be walking da' plank! Da' Gangplank! Wait till I swab the deck with you laddies!

Narrator: Well Mint, and the others didn't know what to do, besides hold a tournament. A tournament to be talked about the ages.

Mint 2.0: A rap tournament.

To be continued...

Shaco: The tournament will take place over 3 days, one battle per day.

Dr. Mundo: To decide, who battles who. Please PM Mint 2.0, or leave a suggestion in the comments section below. Thank you.