So I'm putting together this Blog to talk about my choices for the NA all-star team, who I'd like to see go, and who I think should go. this should be a good blog for talking and I hope you guys give some good feedback and your personal opinions on who should go.

Top Lane

My Choice

Voyboy - He's probably the best top laner in North America at the moment, perhaps even the world. He draws a tremendous amount of pressure to his lane,in 1v1 scenarios he's a mismatch to every player in the world. The Koreans even feel that he is a mismatch and are often forced to 2v1 him or camp his lane with a jungler. He's often called inconsistent, but I think thats a very minute detail. Whether or not Voyboy is on his game is not the issue, you still have to apply a tremendous amount of pressure to his lane because of the possibility that he is on his game, he can single-handidly win for his team, it also frees up aggression for other lanes. Because of other choices for my team, I think Voyboy is the best fit.


Dyrus - very consistent, rarely loses lane but doesn't necessary carry from top lane. Perhaps the second best choice for top lane. He's been the backbone for TSM this entire LCS but he is prone to making mistakes and he seems to be negatively affected by these mistakes more than any other player. Top lane is played quite differently in Asia than in NA, I question aloud whether or not Dyrus can adjust to the pressure they put on the lane.

KiWiKid - He's really come in to his own during LCS, but the main reason I hesitate to put him as the NA representative is because of his lack of experience. Most people don't know that he wasn't a top laner before Dignitas, and he was kind of exposed in the Dignitas/Gambit game at MLG Dallas. He may be a rising star, but he's not ready to shine yet.


My Choice

Crumbz - I'm legitimately shocked Crumbz isn't more competitive in the voting. He's been the most consistent jungle in the NA LCS tournament. He provides stability to Dignitas and is perhaps the best counter-ganking jungle in NA perhaps Europe too, from what I've seen. His ability to carry isn't as great as someone like Saintvicious, but he seems to have a knack for figuring out which lane is about to be ganked. Very good understanding of how the game progresses.


Theoddone - A good jungler, with a great understanding and all around gameplay. He's very consistent but plays more support-style junglers which aren't as strong in this meta. He doesn't seem to carry from the role and he's only ever been a member of TSM so I question whether he can fit in with other teams, presumably if none of his other team members get the call for the All-star game (which seems like a possibility).

Saintvicious - to me the second best choice behind Crumbz, the problem I see with him, is his inability to land smite and his need to carry. He plays mostly carry junglers which are fine until they are shut down. He also seems to be dependent on his lanes allowing him to tax so he can get to a position to carry. He's to inconsistent of a player for me to give him the nod.

Mid Lane

My Choice

MandatoryCloud - He's not given any credit, perhaps because he's on a weaker team like Vulcun. ManCloud is probably a top 3 mid if not the best mid in North America. His mechanical play is probably the best out of all mids, just take a look at his Lux, Nidalee and/or Kha'Zix. Those are all champions that require high mechanical skill and he might be the only one from NA who has that skill to atleast be in the ballpark with mid's like Froggen or Toyz.


Nyjacky - a strong player in his own right, but I don't know how well he would do on the world stage. He seems to have trouble communicating, so language barrier could be an issue here. I'm also not so sold that he would be able to compete with mids in other regions. He would probably be my 3rd choice.

Scarra - probably my second choice. To me he is the second best mid in North America, he's very versatile and consistent but sometimes I question his aggressiveness. He's a decent mechanical player, but one of the issues is his lack of extreme pressure mid that others can provide.

Reginald - for this one I have to go off track record. Reginald has shown time and time again that he just can't compete with Mid's from Asia and Europe. I can't say I blame him, because NA mids are far behind their counterparts in Asia and Europe, but I also can't justify sending someone like Reginald who has gotten absolutely destroyed every single time he's played foreign teams. Alternatively, players like Scarra have shown they can compete with these foreign teams, Nyjacky is often in contact with Chinese players so he can get an idea of how they play, and ManCloud has never been seen on the global stage except for NA LCS, perhaps he could bring that element of shock.


My Choice

Patoy - probably the best support player throughout LCS, he's one of the few supports that I feel is able to understand how to put map pressure, elsewhere other than his lane. He's also perhaps the most versatile support, able to play both Carry supports like Elise and passive supports like Janna.


Xpecial - a strong support and probably the best support over the history of League of Legends. He's one of the few supports that can make plays across the map and always plays consistently well. I only give patoy the slight edge in that I feel he can player a carry champion from the support role better than Xpecial can.

Bloodwater - No. This guy gets so much hype for being a mediocre support at best. Send him if you want to see Europe and Asia put on a clinic against the NA bot lane.

AD Carry's

My Choice

Doublelift - in terms of 1v1 mechanics or laning mechanics he's probably the best AD Carry in the world, his only issue is that he team fights extremely poorly. He often gets hit by CC or AoE and has issues positioning. He's still astronomically better than any other ADC in NA right now.


Imaqtpie - perhaps the most misleading name in League of Legends, he's a very aggressive ADC capable of putting immense pressure on a lane and punishing mistake, but I don't think he's better than Doublelift and I wonder if he's willing to take it serious.

Cop - KDA doesn't mean everything, he's a safe player, but any Asian team will realize this and play a hypercarry and laugh as they outscale his passive-style Miss Fortune. Asians have shown often that you can't effectively play MF against them.

Wildturtle - If you want to see a bronze elo player against a pro player, then send Wildturtle. It will be pretty easy for anyone to steamroll him like asphalt on 110 degree summer day. Ban Caitlyn and ban Draven against him, and suddenly he has nothing left to play. His Varus gameplay is admirable from a Plat perspective but none of his other ADC's are nearly at that level. If you absolutely want to see an NA smackdown or perhaps you want to get some revenge for Chaox, vote Wildturtle in to see what would be considered by many a physical and mental beatdown.

My Picks for EU

Don't know much about EU but here are my picks.

Top - sOAZ
Jungle - Cyanide (in lieu of Diamondprox)
Mid - Alex Ich or Froggen
Support - Edward
ADC - Candy Panda