Just when you thought CertainlyT's reworks took the cake for bad design on champions that make zero sense, move over Mordekaiser because now Rengar is in town. His entire rework essentially gutted him and he quite literally makes zero sense. His ability to kill anyone has been completely neutered. Without a doubt, his old design was cancer, 1-shotting enemy squishes in 0.5 seconds before they even had time to react was poor design, but at the very least you could say he fit the "assassin" design. The new rengar lacks any real damage; Savagery, while great for clearing the jungle is considerably worse to use against enemy heroes and you don't get the reset quickly enough to get that satisfying doubleburst. Couple that with incredibly low base damage and a subpar ratio Savagery just doesn't really do anything. Just to put it into context how bad it is, Bola Strike has better base damage and the same ratio. Savagery is supposed to be Rengar's bread and butter, the fact that the damage is so low is a massive problem for his kill potential. Battle Roar got considerably worse now that it's a pseudo-heal and you get the most value out of it when you slightly delay it, which makes absolutely no sense for an assassin. Bola Strike's strong base damage and ratio would actually make it a viable if it didn't hurt your jungle speed so severely. About the only part of Rengars kit that actually got better was his ultimate, in some regards. The fact that they increased the duration was good, but camouflage and the fact that it now gives an indicator literally 4000 yards away is a massive nerf. Just to put that into context, every champion with-in Rank 3 Nocturne ult knows when you have used Thrill of the Hunt and can play accordingly; It is atrociously bad.

Yet, incredibly, this isn't even the worst part of rengar, it's his gameplay. His jungle clear speed did increase considerably, and Riot deserves to be commended for that, however, his kill pressure is awful. Aside from the atrocious change on his ultimate, Rengar has very little burst now. He no longer gains ferocity while in ult, but instead gains 1 stack of ferocity for leaping to a target out of ult. To gain an empowered ability he must use Savagery, Battle Roar, and Bola Strike all at once just so he can use an empowered Savagery or Bola Strike hoping to kill someone. The reality is any squishy target with an escape or with Flash up, can easily escape Rengar without getting hit by any of his other abilities and kite him indefinitely. He is essentially a sitting duck if he can't hit an enemy with all three of his abilities immediately after leaping to a target. This further amplifies the problem with Battle Roar which heals you for the damage you recently took. So essentially, Rengar players are forced into a situation in which they have to use Battle Roar so they can get to 4 ferocity stacks but they don't get any healing value out of it. The minuscule damage coupled with the minuscule heal makes it almost entirely worthless.

Picture this scenario, you as rengar, ult hunting an enemy Syndra, a squishy champion with no escapes, seems like an easy target right? Well you would be wrong. As soon as you leap out, she flashes away, suddenly you are not in range of Battle Roar or Savagery and you have to hope you land Bola Strike. You're sitting there with 2 ferocity, unable to land the snare from an empowered Bola Strike and unable to hit the enemy with any other abilities or your auto sttacks. She throws out her Q, stuns you, then ults you and you die. It might seem like an unrealistic scenario, but it is actually pretty realistic and probably common. I want rengar to be an assassin and have the ability to assassinate someone. I certainly don't want him to go back to being a cancerous 1-shot animal, but he shouldn't have to be massively ahead to actually be capable of dealing with enemy squishes nor should he be a sitting duck when an enemy is out of range.