So i finally hit level 20 the other day, a level i was looking forward to the same as i did level 12 for flash. I was told that having runes would make an impact in my game and allow the ability to carry games easier, and on a personal level it has, i seem to get more kills early on and lane better. But it doesn't seem to change the end result at all, if the other team is terrible we win easily, if our team has someone who thinks clarity is viable on Garen or anyone else without mana then we lose when they feed badly. If its a balanced game it still seems to come round to who has the best communication.

So my question is, do you feel runes make an impact on the game as a whole, obviously at level 20 you still have team members who are without runes laning against people with runes so their is an impact then, but when both teams have runes does it make much of a difference?