Recently I have been playing alot of top lane mainly Warwick and Cho'Gath and I made a discovery.

People are really really dumb. The first time I have really noticed this is when i got top as Cho'Gath I was against Wukong so I was a tad bit concerned however when i saw his first item i knew it would be a breeze. He got Cloth Armor against Cho'Gath. CLOTH ARMOR, this has to be one of the dumbest thing I have seen in a while.

Some time after that event I started playing lanewick ( like a boss ) and I found the person i was top against make the same exact mistake he got armor, its a bit more understandable seeing as some Warwick's build ad but still it shouldn't be likely. After that a gangplank gets brawlers gloves vs a high sustain top lane champion I have to be the only one at this elo that builds depending on the enemy champion.