Hey guys!
Just releasing a small preview of what I'll be **TRYING** to release over the next few weeks/months.

Guides to come:

- Ashe

Date Started: 5th of Feb
Guide Name: The Last Arrow
Estimated Time 'Til Completion: 2 Weeks
Role: ADC

- Janna

Date Started: 21st of December
Guide Name: Victorious Supporting
Estimated Time 'Til Completion: 2-3 weeks
Role: Support

- Lee Sin

Date Started: June (2012) (Archived) 5th of Feb
Guide Name: Dragonfisting
Estimated Time 'Til Completion: 3-4 weeks
Role: Jungle / Top

- Vayne

Date Started: September (2012) (Archived) 5th of Feb
Guide Name: Heartseeking
Estimated Time 'Til Completion: 4-5 weeks
Role: ADC

- Lulu

Date Started: 5th of Feb
Guide Name: Dragontraining
Estimated Time 'Til Completion: 5-6 weeks
Role: Support

- Olaf

Date Started: 17th of December
Guide Name: BroLAUGHing
Estimated Time 'Til Completion: 6-7 weeks
Role: Jungle

- Olaf

Date Started: 1st of Jan
Date Completed: 9th of Jan
Guide Name: Primal Domination
Role: Solo Top

So yeah, just some of the guides that have been PLANNED to come, I have plenty more that I wish to put out eventually.
All of the guides will be at the visual/information standard that my Udyr guide is at. So they're gonna be pretty, neat & provide a lot of information.
