I doubt anyone reads this seeing as I don't have any (published) guides on Mobafire. But I'm so excited for the New Karma. She was one of my first champions after Nasus and Orianna and I have always thought she had so much potential. I always enjoyed playing her against skillshot champions such as Ziggs or Morgana because she always came out on top in those lanes. At least in my experience.

I'm a bit worried about her new kit though. The damage from her Q sound great albeit it being a skillshot. However if it's anything like Morgana's it won't be much of a problem unless you're a master skillshotter. Not to mention I'm pretty sure the aoe damage will explode behind it (behind as in on your side of the shot) where your enemy won't be. But I could be wrong.

Her E once again still lacks any sort of damage without a mantra charge. :/ I hope that the cooldown on her ultimate isn't too long or the reduction from her AA and spells are significant.

I'm worried that she may be another Morgana in terms of damage or another Urgot in terms of actually landing her skills.

But overall I'm excited to see what she's capable of.

This has been a poorly written blog done in five minutes. Enjoy!