This might be a bit long, but please read.
*deeep breath*
So today I was playing a normal solo queue draft match. I'm a person who will play anything most of the time so, like most of time, I was given support. The other team's first pick was blitz, I assumed he was support and luckily there shyvana pick next affirmed my thoughts. But that's not the point, our adc decided to pick teemo. Here's where the "fun" starts. First off, teemo imo is not the best adc out there, especially to go against vayne and blitz... Luckily, alistar was open so i took him to shut down that rocket grab (you'd think) even though vayne is a soft counter to him.
The match started well. Blitz grabbed me so I pulverised then headbutted him into the turret. The turret brought him low enough to activate his shield and teemo started tearing through it. Blitz looked like he would get away with barely any health (less than 100), teemo looked to be out of range so i aa for the kill. Then teemo started raging on how noob i was for "ks", uninstall and report and all that ****. I told him i had thought he was out of range but he didn't listen.
After that, we were pushing onto their turret and i was bush camping in the farthest one from friendly territory but i stayed on the closest end to avoid an unwanted blitz grab. Whenever he used it i would walk forward in case he came. It never happened. Then soon after teemo joined me and stood in the middle of bush -_- right away blitz grabbed him and he was massacred by turret vayne and blitz. And right away, teemo starts his noob ali uninstall report ****. This happens at least 5 times (not kidding) and everytime teemo dies and rants.
Among these times we had won a trade with grab->pulv->headbutt and we chased to punish even more then i see shyvana coming with my wards so i start running and pinging to fall back. Guess who stays behind...and dies (shyv ultied) -_- i try to help but he starts his rant again.
But the worst and last is yet to come. We catch blitzcrank alone by tribush (we are purple team btw). So me and teemo attack him and he retreats, at first we don't chase but then he pops his head out again. I realize he's just baiting us, guess who doesn't and flashes and chases? Trying to help so teemo doesn't get pissed again i follow but i don't waste my flash. Blitz leads us to the red buff bush and i try to get in front to take the grab 'cause i knew it was coming. But stupid teemo activates move quick and facechecks...a bush with blitz, shyv, and vayne..... I go in to try pulv headbutt to save teemo but he dies so i run then flash over drag pit and escape. And teemo starts his tirade AGAIN! So by that time i was really piss at our 2/5/5 ish adc that's going in front of the tank and facechecking calling me (1/1/4 ish) noob... We still won in the end cause teemo did "better" and their blitz was trolling with 5 different boots (and i was doing amazing if i might say, 2/1/14 ish by end) :) but i was still pissed at teemo -_-