So, this game has become very boring for me, so I've finally decided to do ranked. I'm just gonna explain my wins and losses on here because I like to make myself believe that people care. I'm not gonna do screen shots because I'm too lazy, you can check my match history if you think I'm lying or something...Anyway, I digress. I played my second ranked game yesterday (my first game was months and months ago), and it was weird.

I was playing Riven solotop, (she's my "main", if you will) we had a shen jungle, a varus ad carry, and I forgot who the support and mid lanes were. So we start out the game, and I go sit in the bushes by red, and the varus follows me in there (I was on the side with blue near bot and red near top).

Minions spawn, so I go back and get my fourth pot. The varus was confused and didn't know why I went back, so I explained to it him. I still don't think he gets it...So I go top, and varus is top. So I tell hi that I'm solotop, and he stays for another minute before finally going bot. Long story short, shen was a good jungler, I beat my lane pretty hard and my opponent rage quit, the other team got carried by TF (almost forgot, our varus also didn't know what "TF" stood for) and they ended up surrendering. I went 4-2-1 because I underestimated TF. That's 2 ranked wins so far.

Anyone have any tips for when I do more ranked? Also, when will I become "ranked"?