Sooooo they announced that they wanted to rework him about a year ago actually, the first word I caught of it was last summer at about this time, and I've been dreading it ever since.

I was in love with my hard scaling AD and my ability to crit the entire team when previously they didnt even know my position. I knew that they wanted to change his stealth (which really was toxic so I never argued that) and his ult because of its inconsistency. I was heartbroken they wanted to change my favorite things about my favorite champ. I've been keeping tabs on every proposed change. Some pissed my off and some satisfied me, but then these ones came along....

AND IM ECSTATIC. These changes are seriously near perfect.

Stealth: By making it short term they were able to maintain its full invisibility (previously he was scheduled to receive the same treatment as eve) as well as buff the hell out of it. The move-speed buff will make up for the duration nerf in terms of ganking (assuming I still gank with him, unknown) and adds a lot more to his ability to escape from a fast moving opponent who has oracles. And then they make the attack speed on it 100% reliable!?! glorious

Venom Cask: A targeted aoe slow that ADDS TWO STACKS OF POISON?! I might miss the easy BV pop in a massive radius that i got with his previous w, but idk what kind of area the cask will have so that may be no loss.

Expunge: Damage buffs, AD scaling, easier to stack, doesn't consume poison marks....... OH GOD IM IN LOVE

Spray n Pay: This is the only ability I'm even mildly bothered about, but there's good news too. Riot made it so that hitting extra targets deals less damage, but there is no longer an ammunition limit on the ability so it's a double edged sword there. We'll see what the percent reduction is per target before making any judgement there.