Two LoL purchase dilemmas here.

First one: Buy Cait or buy a new AP mid

I've discovered this week that I randomly click REALLY well with cait. I've been stomping all over other new cait players and people experienced with Cait, even in lanes where I don't get a real support. She's definitely getting purchased at one point.

On the other hand I really want a new AP mid. I specialize in mids who have a fairly long range skillshot that isn't interrupted by minions (aka: proficient in Vik and Xer). That means my next buy is probably Cass or Ahri.

Which do you vote just on personal preference?

Second one: I have some rp left over from my birthday a while back. Idk if I'll do it yet but I'm thinking of doing a Lee Sin skin. Which one do you guys like the most? I like them all >w<