Let it be known I'm not yet a ranked player. I'm looking to refine my game more before that.

So on one hand, we have LEGIONS of people who cry that elo hell is real.
On the other hand, we have examples of people purposefully moving up from an impossibly low location to say it is not.

So the verdict to most talented players is that ELO hell can not exist.

But surely not EVERY SINGLE ONE of the people who claim it does are just sniveling little dopes right?! Surely there are at least a few competent people who claim it exists. How does one explain their experiences?

If I had to take a guess. The people who are competent and are "stuck in ELO hell" are most likely very slim in numbers, and tbh those few are probably right. They do NOT deserve a "high" elo in ANY regards, but as an individual they probably play better than their ELO says, they're competent players and can carry, but just arent talented enough to carry through everyone they encounter at that elo.

tldr: the inescapable land where no one can fight their way through trolls and leavers does NOT exist, but for a slim number of people there is the potential for an ELO mildly less than what is deserved due to a small skill gap in their ability to carry.