So I was browsing through the store earlier today looking to buy some runes for my (now 2nd) favourite champ Riven, but I saw on the front page that Brand was on sale for less then 500 RP. Between my ADHD and my ability to spend lots of money on anything, I quickly bought him. After quickly skimming through a guide and noting runes, skill order, etc, I joined a 5v5 on Summoner's Rift and gave Brand a go.

The complete destruction of their team was the outcome of that game.

The game ended, and I leaned back in shock. For days now ive been playing the tanky dps champ Riven, getting good at her abilities and feeling confident with her in any situation. But then here, in one game, I did better with Brand then I ever did on Riven, and a new favorite champ was born.

Brand's ability to completly nuke an enemy is absurd, and even if they run, 2 of my spells apply powerful dots, and my Q is a 2 second, ranged stun, that allows me to dominate in all situations. Also, his char is on fire, the entire game, and its just so badass, I cant help but let out an evil laugh whenever I kill someone hahaha.

All in all, I still plan to play Riven, and in games where I quickly see the AP spots taken, I do not hesitate to hop onto whoever I need in order to benefit the team. But when the chance arises, and there is a spot for a caster, I get the biggest grin on my face because I know I get to play my new favourite champ, Brand.