Hey its hope here and i just wanted to talk about my team we just made one and we lost are first game it was pretty much in are grasps of winning but then the throws started happening my mid lane made a dumb choice of telling everybody to face check the bush near are red then boom the whole team was there we all died pretty much from that they took out 2 nexus towers. we still had hope sense i was playing vayne my fav adc and my top laner thought it was funny to go in the bush again lol they aced is right there and won the game. we were pretty bummed sense it was are first ranked game and i promised we will at least to get to silver sense we arent very good as a team yet. We will be playing at least one ranked game a everyday. well my team is practicing and we are getter much better. I will probaly do a blog about our team games and stuff every night well night