Basics are a Must - Part 1
I've been helping people for a long time and yesterday after helping another player giving him some tips and tricks on how improve his gameplay and get out of the non-existant "elo hell" that he was worried about i decided to make a guide, a complete guide to be more specific, explaining everything, and when i say everything it's for real everything.
Every single point will have a discussion, starting from how you play mentally and physically to a psychological approach to improve your gameplay.
Feel Free to ask everything if you need Help.

Here we go our way to Gold/Platinum Rating is on the road and it's time for some work, yes it will be hard to reach this achieve but don't worry much about it, we will do little steps and it will be Easy.

Now i want you to really think about this game, take me seriously, i want you to think only about Champions, Items, Map and Creeps. Forget every other thing you have in mind, even if it's related to those categories.

It's time now to see this game in a neutral Point of View (POV), better say Objective POV, We do that because your mind has been manipulated subconsciously from Streams, Championships, Voices, Fotm Champions, Elo Players, Phreak <3, Overrated ideas, False Nerfs and all other things that you MUST NOT minimally listen to them.

As lol is a Strategic Game, yes you read right it's strategic, We need to learn every single thing that the game offers and maximize it's potential based on our gameplay, Best example for that are Champions, why would you use Teemo if his gamestyle Doesn't fit your gameplay? I've seen so many players in ranked saying "pick me Morgana, she's so OP" and at the end they didn't even farm 50 cs at 15 mins.

In order to Maximize every tool the game offers we need to learn basics.
Remember, even if you are already Gold Don't overestimate your skill in this game, maybe you could learn some things too!

Pillars of LoL






Map Awareness
