Woo im back,finally,a lot of stuff happened before my ressucitation(JESUS TAKE THE KEYBOARD),i was promoted to Silver,i rushed since Bronze 5 (yes i was bronze 5) AND i made it to Silver,but i fell becouse of inactivity
I have my memory book and i write on him the types and the good manners to climb of the bronze to silver,actually im making an guide for playing some champions,but,in other roles,some of the roles and champs that im writing about is:Leona,Fiddle and i wont give spoilers of my guide
Actaully im bronze 1 and i will rush to the silver again,but some of my good manners an types of champions an match-ups are out of the meta :C
BTW,im playing on my smurf account,it`s only jungle :D,and i will update my guides so keep turned on for more news,BTW GO KABUM SHOW THAT SOUTH MURICANS HOW TO PLAY LIKE REAL MANS