This will serve as my intro and provide some general info.

- Top is an isolated lane where you're one on one, left to farm for nearly the entire early game and well into mid game in most cases. It's your job to stay top and farm and hopefully prevent your lane opponent from doing the same.

- Top is an easy lane to gank, the better CS you have the more pushed you are. You can expect a lot of pressure from the enemy jungler when you're doing good, and as a downside when you're so pushed from out CS'ing you can expect little to no help from your jungler in most cases. It's your job to be weary of the junglers position and to prevent yourself from being ganked.

- Top is on the opposite side of the map of Dragon you're going to be cut off from a lot of the early game action unless you're Shen, Pantheon or brought Teleport. Your primary objectives in range are countering enemy red on blue team when able, and vise versa. Same goes for protecting these buffs from invasions.

- Top can be counter picked very easily. There are plenty of safe champions to play top that are tough to counter (more info on that later).

- As a top player you must be very self sufficient, it's difficult for your team to help you out compared to the other lanes. But try to help your team as much as you can.

- When picking your top champ theirs a lot of things to consider. It's generally a bad idea to first pick top champs with exceptions like Riven, Yorick, Nidalee, Vlad, Kennen. These champions have their weaknesses but they last in the lane very well, have few counter picks and fair well against ganks. So when you pick your top champ always consider the counter to the top your against and how well that champ can escape the junglers ganks easily.