So the other day I solo queue'd for a normal game.

I Picked Tryndamere and waited for the game to start, and when it went to the loading screen, I saw the enemy team had 4 squishies! An ashe, a caitlyn, a fiddlesticks, and an ezreal.

And a Kassadin.

late in the game there was a teamfight that i wasn't in because i was dead from a gank (Our Karth didnt call mia) My team failed at the fight, and we took four deaths for no kills. I respawned as the fight was about to end, and with some quick thinking i headed over to baron.

Sure enough, I found the whole team there as i spun through the wall, just beginning a fight agains baron with their whole team at half health.

I jumped for joy.

I smashed fiddle first cuz i didnt want a 3 second fear, then i killed cait because she had 300 AD, then ashe for her slow. Ez tried to flash away with the spell and his E, but i got him with spin.

And then Kassadin.

It looked like he had no chance. My ulti was still up, bloodlust, mock shout, AND spin slash off CD, plus i still had exhaust up. The odds looked good, even though our karth kinda fed him earlier, and i charged him with my spin.

And he presses R.

At first i thought "okay, thats fine he doesnt have the mana to do another one.

And then he used CLARITY

Then he used summoner flash, 2 more riftwalks, and even through my next 3 spins, mocking shot, and exhaust i couldn't catch him.

In fact, as i dived him near the spawing pool, he turned around an null sphered me for the kill.


And then i raged so much that my team surrendered :(