I was inspired to play Jhin mid while playing jungle with my friend who was mid facing against a Jhin who was mid (I was jungle, my friend was Kassadin mid who was versing against a Jhin mid). In the game my friend got bodied facing against a Jhin mid because he was new. The Jhin got destroyed early game by my Master Yi due to bad positioning, but I don't blame him because he kept killing my friend since he didn't know how to dodge skill shots. The Jhin was over confident and I punished him for it, at the end of the game we won, the Jhin went 23/11/4 and I went 27/11/8 as Master Yi. It was late at night so my friends and I got off because we had school tomorrow, I decided to stay up to grind homework and study for that really important Chemistry test until I felt like playing League again just to play Jhin mid, so I did. I logged on, entered draft, selected mid, and queued for the first game that would change my perspective on Jhin mid. When it was time to select my champion, I hovered over Jhin, replaced heal for barrier, and started the game.

My Team - Jhin(Mid), Ashe(ADC), Zyra(Supp), Rengar(Jg), Singed(Top)
Enemy Team - Fizz(Mid), Kai'Sa(ADC), Lulu(Supp), Kindred(Jg), Teemo(Top)
The first game of Jhin mid I have ever played was against a Fizz, so I adapted a passive play style, not knowing what I am capable to do against one. It wasn't until I got a kill off of him in the first 6 minutes when I realized that I can do so much mid as a Jhin thanks to the buff that made his W a little better. I then continued to kill the Fizz over and over again, even when the enemy Kindred tried to gank me, I was unstoppable. At this point I was 16/1/5 at 20 minutes so I was saying "We're gonna win this", "Let's end it fast", all of that. But then I realized that our Singed left at 6 minutes and gave the Teemo a 7 kill lead against everybody, so our Rengar had to multitask top while farming his own jungle ganking everybody else's lane. So the deeper and deeper we get into this game, everybody gets caught up and I'm not able to do as much as I could since we were 40 minutes into the game. It was a kill fest with 3 to 5 trades each team fight, failed split pushes on both sides, inhibitors being destroyed and then respawning, and everything boring you could imagine. Nothing special was happening in the game because everybody was full build, besides the Singed since he dc'd. It was a 4v5 the whole time and we did not have a tank for our life. We lost at the end of the game, me going 31/14/18 as Jhin and everybody else going just as good as me. This game showed me how well Jhin can do mid and he's a load of fun.