Got back to playing ranked more since my wife is in training for the week. Anyway, after my placement matches, I went like 0-10. I would win my lane or get my ADC fed and then my team would throw or not know how to team fight and want to wander off on their own. My MMR has taken a huge hit because right now I am gaining like 6 LP per win. I finally broke my loss streak Monday with a Nami support game(Dem ults and Bubbles). Then lost two in a row with Nocturne who I hadn't lost a game with before winning one with him. So, that put me at like 6 LP going into yesterday. I dodged my first game yesterday because a Bronze IV refused to let me mid(I was first pick) because he said he had to carry...ummm ok. SO, that dropped me to 3 LP. I then won my next 4 games in a row with 2 Nocturne games, a Sona support game, and a Singed top game where we invaded and I came into lane against Vayne 2-0-1. My entire team proceeded to destroy the enemy team because they didn't have a single real tank( Vayne, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Diana, and Fizz) and we got like 4-5 kills on the invade and they got 1 maybe 2.

Anyway, going to keep trying today after I do some real life chores. I keep melting people with Kassadin in laning phase and mid-game, but am struggling with his late game role/positioning. Already posted a topic in General Discussion to see if I can get some help. I've got a bad record with some of my better champs(like Renekton) because I can't get my team to stick together and take objectives. I had a game where my Vladimir mid wouldn't push objectives once we aced the other team. He would just back and go farm everytime. Also, my teammates give up too quickly. The Sona game was almost a loss because my mid was being dumb and when my teammates started trying to get him to play smarter, he just started flaming. Luckily, when mid, ADC, jungle wanted to surrender, our Top and I wanted to keep going. We won the next team fight and pushed all the way to their Nexus, Acing them twice because they would respawn and jump into the five of us either by themselves or as a group of 2. So, what would have been a surrender turned around and became a win.