After an 0-3 start in my placement matches, I was ready to get some wins going. I didn't want to lose anymore. Especially not in a row. So, I queued up and was able to get mid. The enemy team had an Elise, Kha'Zix, and a Master Yi. All three of those champs could've been mid and all three are countered by Diana. She used to be my main mid and I forgot why I had quit playing her. When it comes to teamfights, if I'm not ridiculously ahead, I don't live long. I try to assassinate a carry and immediately get focused down. That's pretty much what happened this game. Throw in that our Riven top fed the Kha'Zix top so he continued to wait for me to dive and then melt me. This put me at 0-4. I was a little aggravated, but decided to take a quick break and then continue on. I figured I might as well. If I got stuck in Bronze, I would just have to fight my way out.

The next game I got stuck with the last pick. The guy above me wanted to know whether I preferred Support or Jungle. I told him either was fine. He decided to support with Sona, which honestly made me feel better. I like to jungle and while I don't hate support anymore, I hate once I get past early game because I almost feel useless except when you hit a good stun or pull. Anyway, the team asked who I was going to play and looking at our team comp I decided either Nocturne or Nautilus. My team told me to play Nocturne if I was any good with him. I thought Nautilus would be the smarter pick and I was 2-0 with him in my recent games. However, I remembered a post I read where it gave some advice that if your team feels better with a champ, go with it in low elo. Making your team feel more secure makes them play better. So I went Nocturne. I thought after I got blue I would try and kill the enemy Nasus at his red, however when I got there, he had started red. I felt like an idiot so I went as fast as I could to my red. It was still there. I felt relieved that he hadn't gotten it. I had an Akali top against a Darius that I told to just play passive and CS until I could gank. So I went top and forced a flash. I went back to do golems and Nasus showed up top and tried to help Darius push top to force Akali under tower. So, I finished them off and went back top and helped clear the minions with a couple of Qs. Nasus backed off so I did too, but went back to golems cause they had respawned. I cleared my jungle and went back to shop. Mid and bot were doing fine, so I went back to farming. I remembered the stat about how Meteos spends more time farming jungle than anyone else in NA LCS. So, I tried to farm and get 6 then watch for opportunities as I continued to farm. Darius pushed up again and I saw Nasus bot, so I went top and was able to get Akali a kill without using my ult. From there, mid traded some kills, I got bot ahead and was able to kill Darius a few times when he killed Akali. I kept trying to save her with my fear but he would ult and dunk her right before it would go in effect. They got the first dragon but we were able to get two towers and a kill off of it(may have been 2 kills). From there, we kept pushing our lead and I ended up getting a triple kill in one teamfight mid because I got the last tick from SotEL burn. We got the win in just under 40 minutes. That's right I got a win! I was now 1-4. I was starting to see some hope.

The next game our last pick called mid...and I was like what?!?!?! However, we all let it slide and our first pick went ADC as Varus. I was next to last pick and I was able to get Thresh. Last pick went Orianna mid against an Ahri. This game was fairly simple. My ADC and I were never on the same page. Whoever I focused, he focused the opposite, so I kept dying for nothing. Meanwhile, Renekton and Orianna wrecked mid and top and our Aatrox jungle was able to finish off what my ADC kept leaving. Around 25 minutes we started grouping mid and I was able to make a hook on Ahri. We nuked her and then the rest of the team. We started pushing and they surrendered. Win #2 and I was 2-4 now. At this point, I am feeling a lot better.

The third game I not only got to mid, but I got to mid Twisted Fate. To give you an idea, I have been practicing him up and was 4-0 as him leading up to this game in normals. Not saying I'm the best TF player, but he is one of if not the best mid I have. And it showed. I was countered by Jayce on the other team and their Kayle jungle seemed to camp me whenever Jayce would start to get low. So, I helped top and bottom and got fed. I made one bad ult where I went in on Corki and Nautilus bot thinking my Graves and Soraka would come help and they just sat at the turret and farmed. I finished 9-2-12 and we won in 33 minutes. This gave me my 3rd win and I was now 3-4 with a 3 game win streak.

I decided to take a break as I had after each game(since it was working why mess with the system). Came back after a few minutes and got top lane. I had wanted to Renekton but the team wanted a full tank so I went Singed. I ended up against a Sion, which is one of few champs I had never played against or as before. So, I had no clue what his abilities were. I found out. Especially after I tower dove him when he had around 150 health. It was a dumb dive and I should've just let him back. Sound familiar...oh like what I did as Kha'Zix top and lost. The difference was that I played it safer and Mordekaiser and Zac came top often early and killed Sion 3-4 times. It might have been nice if I could have gotten one of those kills. Especially when I had him low in my poison and ignited and no where near tower. However, getting Mordekaiser fed helped win the game. That and Vayne got fed and I was a great distraction split pushing top. So win #4 and I managed to even it out at 4-4.

Gonna finish tonight. Hopefully, two more wins but I'll be happy with one.