Went home last night after work and finished off my placement matches. The friend I had Duo Queued with was on so we tried again. Instead of using his regular account he used another friends Smurf that was Bronze 2, I believe. The first game I tried to Twisted Fate mid and got stuck against a Syndra that was good. He was really good at stunning me and the rest of my team didn't do very well either. I actually had a chance to try and counter pick Syndra but I figured it was better to stick with the champ that I am better with. Then i preceded to screw up almost every attempt at a gold card. Let's just saw this game only dragged on because they took their time. SO now, I'm 4-5.

The next game we had a great comp in champ select. My friend was gonna run Graves with my Leona against a Tristana and a weak support that I can't rmemeber. Then someone either decided to dodge or just went AFK last pick. So, we get in the next game and I end up jungle. I decide to Nocturne since that worked well last time. Champ select had me worried. Our mid picked Vladimir into Fizz and said he was gonna shut the Fizz down. Our top wanted to trade with someone lower and I offered to, but the ADC who picked in front of me was like "I got this". Then, once Jayce got locked in top, the champ our top wanted, the adc didn't have. I tried to talk to them and tell them I had the champ and we could just multi-swap if the ADC had either Nocturne or Nautilus. The ADC wasn't paying attention and decided to lock in Nidalee for the top laner. My friend went Sona because he wins like 66.7% of his games as Sona in ranked. That's with 30 games played as Sona. We had lost the previous game when he played Sona but I was getting bullied and the ADC just went ADC and trolled because he had wanted jungle and third pick autolocked Shyvana jungle.

Anyway, back to the game. So, I was a little worried but was going to try and focus on getting bot ahead since we had Vayne/ Sona against Tristana/ Lux. So, after I get double buffs, I start to move to mid to help gank Fizz when it pops up on my screen that Fizz has already killed Vladimir. I decided to hold for a second and Q Fizz a few times since he is low health, thinking maybe I can keep him low and let Vladimir get a kill because Fizz isn't backing at less than 50% health. Once my mid returns, I start to go through the enemy jungle so I can come out behind them through tribrush(my friend had wanted me that the river was pink warded) when I run into the enemy Zac coming from wraiths to gank mid. He is half health as well. So I hit my q and try to fear him so he flashes. Vlad and I push into them and poke them some but we know we can't dive this. My attempt to go bot is now ruined and top is doing fine so I just go back to farming so I can get to 6 and grab my ult. My mid dies again and top dies as well. This game is starting to look bad. Then, we somehow are able to get Fizz low and he retreats back behind his tower where we get a huge wave pushed to tower. So, Vladimir and I go to work on the tower. Right before I hit the tower for the last time, Fizz decides to dive us both with like 100-150 health. I had just finished telling my friend that I thought Fizz was too far away for us to kill. I think I got the kill, then tower, and my friend was like "You're a liar" and started laughing. So, I chug a health pot and ping for my Vlad to come bot with me. We dive bot and get a couple of kills and take bot tower as well.

At this point, things look better for us. We have two turrets to none. Vayne has died but she keeps getting at least one kill whenever she dies and she has more than Tristana. That doesn't last too long as the opposing team decides to push bot and get tower with their top finishes off top tower and gets a kill on our top. At this point, I think top is hopeless. I think it's 2-0 for their Jayce and then I check out both their CS and KDA. Turns out Jayce is ahead 3/2/0 and up 20 CS, but our Nidalee is 2/3/1. When did I miss top getting kills? I realize things aren't as bad and that we just need to keep them from objectives. So, I was able to force them out of dragon at one point(only Zac and Jayce there if I remember right). This resulted in a team fight where we won and someone on my team(I think Nidalee with a spear that missed Zac) killed dragon before it started to regen health. From this point on, each team trades some kills but it seems like we are slowly getting the better of them, despite the fact that in one team fight, we all left Vayne behind and Fizz and Jayce jumped on her. She died and we ended up acing them because they both blew their cooldowns on our adc at the same time and we had already melted Lux, Tristana, and [[Zac].

Anyway, we push and get inhib and then back off. This leads us to my favorite part of the game. They rush straight to Baron where we have it warded. My team is rushing back and a couple get their first and pull out some of the enemy team, leaving Zac alone fighting baron. I ult him and smite steal baron away before we destroy them and finish the game. I don't know that I have ever had a smite steal that felt as good. Had they got that baron, it could have been a win for them, but instead we were able to finish off everything before anyone came back up.

I know that was long, but as you can tell, it was a pretty exciting game. I finished 5-5 and got placed in Silver V. I played three more games after I got placed. The first two were loses and I lost my lane in both. One I got zoned by Orianna as Lissandra and the other I stayed in too long early against Zed as Renekton. I followed that up with a game as Lissandra where I only got one kill, but only 4 deaths and 13 assists. I was able to counter Lux's ult several times with flash, my ult, or my E, so she only got one kill on me early when I thought I could out trade her and was wrong(wasn't really early, more like lvl 9ish). Anyway, I started 1-2, but am going to try and see if I can't better that. After this week, I won't be able to play as much ranked for a couple of weeks, so I am going to work on some of my champs. Probably Lissandra, Renekton, Singed, Ashe, Caitlyn, and maybe Rumble and Zed. I like Zed but had just been playing Kha'Zix more. I never got the hang of Rumble, but I think I could if I just practiced him more.

Anyway, I don't want to have too many champs to work on or I'll never get any better with them. So far it seems like I either run into people that play a lot of different champs and are ok/good with them all or someone who plays 1-2 and are great with those champs. I may have to strive to narrow down and get a few in each lane down really well and then expand my pool out.