I have been in a slump the past few PvP games. I played as Jax, Kassadin, Warwick,and Dr. Mundo and go evem with all of them. We would also proceed to lose the match because of just stupid plays by me; IE: Turret kills me, minion kills me -_______- (the last one hurt...)

So I stood up stretched did some pushups and yelled at my roommate (because he was eating loudly) and sat back down. I logged on, I clicked play, waited 3 minutes to get into a game, (right now I should of just quit), got on and I was teamed up with noobs and tolls, (I love torlling as much as the next guy but I was not in the mood) as for the noobs..... I always hate them. Started the game (with the classic "WELCOME TO SUMMONERS RIFT!)and a kid left. Next I started off 0-7 with Nunu -_______-

The game ends and the trolls I played with banned me.....

and thats why I am writing this blog.....
this is how I am getting out of my slump ......
being banned