After the spectator patch released today I noticed that Annie was buffed.

Now this caught my attention for one main reason: spellvamp runes are a odd fit for most champions.

Considering all of this I have tried single target sustain with spellvamp runes and Leblanc with little luck, but now that Annie has received some loving I decided to give her another try.

I got the 9% spellvamp from runes and masteries and decided to try out Annie in a normal match.

So I get laned against a Brand and I think uh oh... longer range more nukes, this is not going to be good.

But luckily for me I've got my wits and decided to start out with boots and potions. Let me tell you, having the ability to get myself free health every last hit disintegrate I get made this game a knockout victory in the laning phase. All I had to do was dodge Brands pillar of flame and farm and hit him whenever I got my stun and use my shield if I'm not going to be able to dodge and honestly it was just over.

I suggest espeically if you have spellvamp quints try Annie out, she's a fun tiny character.

Thanks again for reading, hope you all have a good time playing LoL.

P.s. spectator mode is fun, I can watch my friends stomp :D